Everything Everywhere All at Once


Everything Everywhere All at Once is a 2022 American comedy-drama film that follows Evelyn Quan Wang, a Chinese-American immigrant who discovers she must connect with other versions of herself to save the multiverse. The film is a surreal adventure that incorporates elements of science fiction, fantasy, martial arts, and animation.

Notable Cast


My Take on EEAAO

The reason why I love EEAAO so much is because of all of the prevalent themes that exist and the outstanding cinematography. The messages that this movie tackles are so clear yet subtle at the same time. You can look at the movie purely at a wacky comedy and not take a second look at the underlying themes, or you can look at the movie as a deep dive into the human psyche and the meaning of life. EEAAO tackles many different things that our world needs to hear right now. I have started to notice that many people in my generation are starting to move towards nihilism and the idea that nothing matters. Life is only what you make it up to be and the value that you are going to get out of it is what you put into it. I get my satisfacction in life from helping others and making valuable connections with those around me. This movie perfectly exemplifies that and I think that is why I love it so much.

Fun Facts